Fitness Tips from the Pilates Center

Minimize the damage and speed the healing with correct treatment—and do so right away.

The acronym RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) best applies to all muscle injuries, severe as well as minor. A recent addition to this traditional treatment is early immobilization of the injured muscle in a position of tension. For example, if the quadriceps muscle is injured, placing the knee in a partially flexed position (30 to 90 degrees), which also means your quad muscle is now stretched, so it improves recovery. This recovery is most likely because a muscle under tension bleeds less, so it doesn't produce as large a hematoma, or bruise.

When a muscle injury occurs, you might not know how severe it is. If you experience significant pain, the immediate application of RICE is a good strategy. By acting quickly you significantly decrease possible complications of a major injury. If the injury is major, continue the ice and compression for 48 hours and keep the muscle immobilized for 48-72 hours.